Support available 24/7
We’re always here for you - that’s why you’ll never have to leave a voicemail or wait for a call back. Talk to one of our 1,000 pharmacists about your prescriptions, side effects, drug interactions, or how we can help you stay on track with your medication.
-Michelle, RPh
-Safwat, RPh
-Solomon, RPh
Katie, RPh
Katie was a year and a half into her college career when her brother was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. It was then that she decided to change her career path. “I wanted to become a pharmacist, become someone that would be an ally for people just like my brother.” Hear more about Katie’s story and her passion for helping patients as their “health advocate.”
Care built around you
Our pharmacists understand your unique health needs. They receive training in specific areas of health, conditions, and therapies. And we connect them with the right patients.
We have specially trained pharmacists focused on medical conditions such as:
- Diabetes
- Immunology
- Cardiovascular conditions (heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol
- Pulmonary conditions (asthma, COPD)
- Neuroscience conditions (migraine, depression, anxiety)
- Women’s health conditions (hormone therapy, contraceptives)
Changing lives for the better
- Contacting your doctor to discuss treatment options and confirm that high-risk medications are safe and effective for you and your family
- Looking for ways to save you money through generic medications, lower-cost alternatives, and programs that can help
- Reaching out if you’re late to fill prescriptions so they can help you get the medication you need